Hello! And WELCOME!
- The slogan in this online store is absolutely not put together by shwung, advertising consultants or other expensive coincidences. But rather a complete truth from a sober lady with slaves on her hands and bad time.
You are now inside a tiny sole proprietorship run by a tiny nurse who has been stomping around the floors for over 20 years (and still doing so).
- Having said that, the store is very open to absolutely everyone, and I bring in a bit of everything in products that suit healthcare workers, office rats, dentists and everything in between too.
The basis for the slogan was, of course, that it is the floor I have stepped on for all these years, which is closest to my heart - and which I know best. We have a job that demands a lot from us. Both when it comes to professionalism, presence and not least correct (and quite often - boring) attire.
I started a few years ago myself, within reasonable limits, to decorate myself a little in the hospital. It limited itself to slightly amusing ID - card holders, and some pens with glitter on them. Because we are bound by hygienic principles and dress codes that few other workplaces can compare with, I think we need that little extra.
In some cases - the patients too. I can't count how many times the fact that I had a fun pen or a pink card holder saved the day for the child who was going under anesthesia, and suddenly forgot how scared she was.
Regardless of professional group, perhaps it is precisely the flower, the heart - or the rainbow that is discreetly displayed in the colorful prints, that shows the most of you?
So this is not an online shop for things you NEED, it is primarily a shop to give that little extra glitter, which makes the working day a little more fun, and professional pride - and you, even a little more visible. However, there will probably be more and more "sensible" accessories over time, when (fingers, toes and little brains crossed) the store grows.
I import, as most people who run a shop do. But own designs are also produced. All goods are sent from a warehouse in Norway - within 1 - 5 working days.
And last but not least - I don't sell anything that I haven't tested myself and am satisfied with!
Happy shopping!